Profile types
Account profile types
There are three profile types at the account level that have specific access privileges associated with them.
Account Administrator: This profile type can access and manage all aspects of an account. An administrator automatically has full access to all facilities and cannot be restricted at the facility level. From the account home screen, an administrator can manage the facilities, the people, and the companies in an account and the settings of an account.
Facility Manager: This profile type has limited access on the account level. They cannot access or edit account settings, people, or companies. Account managers must be specifically added to facilities, and their access privileges within a facility can be set on a per-facility basis. Within a facility they can be granted any level of access.
Facility Technician: This profile type has limited access on the account level. They cannot access or edit account settings, people, or companies. Account technicians must be specifically added to facilities, and their access privileges within a facility can be set on a per-facility basis. Within a facility they can only be made a contact, viewer, or technician.
Contact: This profile type is connected to an account or facility but has no access to the software. You can use this profile level when you want to track a person's work but you don't want them to have access to the software. An administrator can later give them access if they choose.
When creating a profile at the account level, you can select the facilities (if any) to which a user or contact should be added.
Facility profile types
There are five profile types at the facility level that have specific access privileges associated with them.
Administrator: This profile type can access and manage all aspects of a facility. An administrator can change facility settings, unlock locked work orders, view cost and labor rate data, and manage other facility users.
Editor: This profile type can create, delete, and edit work orders, schedules, procedures, equipment, locations, inventory, tools, and other maintenance-related data. They cannot edit most facility settings, unlock locked work orders, see cost or labor rate data, or manage other facility users.
Technician: This profile type can create and update work orders and work requests and upload documents to assets. They can view work orders, schedules, procedures, equipment, locations, inventory, tools, and other maintenance-related data. They cannot see cost or labor rate data. They cannot delete any content. They cannot manage users.
Viewer: This profile type can view work orders, schedules, procedures, equipment, locations, inventory, tools, and other maintenance-related data. They cannot see cost or labor rate data. They cannot create, edit, or delete any content or settings. They cannot manage users.
Contact: This profile type has no access to the software. You can use this profile level when you want to track a person's work but you don't want them to have access to the software. An administrator can later give them access if they choose.
A user must be added to the account before they can be added to a facility.