Issues Overview

In This Article


CxAlloy TQ allows you to effectively collaborate on design issues and construction issues. These issues are typically generated from one of many sources, such as reviews, observations, tests, etc. An issue may be a deficiency, question, or a comment. Each issue is fully tracked with all historical activity serving as project record. Every issue will have a unique identifier, description, and status. Under the Issues Tab are Design Issues, Construction Issues, All Issues, My Design Issue, My Construction Issues and My Issues.

  • Design Issues contains all issues related to the Design Phase.
  • Construction Issues contains all issues related to the Construction Phase.
  • All Issues contains both Design and Construction Issues.
  • My Design Issues contains design issues assigned to you.
  • My Construction Issues contains construction issues assigned to you.
  • My Issues contains both design and construction issues assigned to you.

At the Design Issues Page, you can view an issue, edit an issue, and respond to issues for design review. Likewise, at the Construction Issues Page, you can view an issue, edit an issue, and respond to an issue for construction phase that includes issues found from construction reviews, checklists, field observations, and tests.


Issue Statuses

The typical flow of an issue will start as being opened and assigned to a user. Once the user has resolved the issue, he or she will mark it as complete, but with some indication of needing approval. By default, this is called Pending. However, account settings can be configured to provide other statuses. Once confirmed, the originator of the issue, or someone with proper permissions, can then mark it as complete to conclude the issue. By default, this is called Closed. For incomplete issues, the ability to change the current status is available.

The main status button will display the next status in turn for the issue, but the arrow allows you to set the issue status to any of the authorized issue statuses from a drop down menu. Issue statuses can be access controlled in the settings section.

NOTE Editing multiple issue statuses is also available from the issue list view.


Issue Presets

Issue Presets are like templates for issues. You define preset values for any of the fields that are available in an issue, then you can select a preset when creating an issue and the issue form will be filled out with the values defined in the preset.

Issue presets also allow you to select issue attributes that should be added as part of the preset, either with or without a specific value for the attribute.

Issue presets are managed in project settings. Issue presets available within a project are configured within that project. Like with other settings, default issue presets for new projects can be managed at the account level. Issue presets at the account level have some minor restrictions:

  • The Assigned To value is limited to Roles.
  • There is no Asset field.
Like with other settings, new projects include any issue presets defined within the account's project defaults and duplicating a project duplicates issue presets.

Managing Issue Presets within Account or Project Settings

Issue presets are managed within project and account settings.

  1. Within a project, go to Project -> Settings. At the account level, go to Settings.
  2. Click "Issue Presets" in the navigation column on the left.

Creating Issue Presets

  1. Click the "Add New" button in the top-right. 
  2. Enter a name for the preset, enter or select values for any fields you would like to include in the preset, then click "Save".

Presets can also include issue attributes. Click "Add Issue Attribute" to add an attribute to the preset. When adding an attribute to a preset it is not required to put in a value for the attribute.

Editing Issue Presets

  1. Click the "Edit" button to the right of each issue preset.
  2. Update the preset with your changes and click "Save".

Deleting Issue Presets

  1. Select the issue presets you want to delete via their checkboxes.
  2. Click the "Delete" button that appears in the action bar above the list. The presets will be deleted and the list will be updated.

Using Issue Presets

When adding an issue there is now a dropdown menu to select an issue preset. Upon selecting a preset from the dropdown, all the issue fields will be cleared, all attributes will be removed, and then the issue will be populated with the preset's values, including any issue attributes defined in the preset.


Viewing Issue Details

Each issue has both a compact view and a detailed view. The Issues list displays issues in the compact view. The compact view can be expanded to show additional information, such as Comments and Files.

To see these sections, click the section name. That section will expand beneath the compact view to reveal any related information. To see the full detailed view of an issue, click View Details at the bottom right of the issue box.


Edit an Issue

You can edit issues in several ways. To edit issues from the list page, click the checkbox next to the issue or group of issues to be edited. The issue edit bar will appear above your issue list. Click Edit at the top left to display edit options. You can change the discipline, drawing, due date, or asset. 

Click Save to save your changes. To edit issues from the issue detail page, go to the issue detailed view by clicking View Details. Next click Edit at the top right. You can change the description, asset, and other various fields. Click Save to save your changes.

The editing option will apply to all selected issues. If the selected issues have different values for the edit options, “Multiple Values” will display in the edit field. Any saved changes will overwrite these values.


Responding to Issues

There are two methods for responding to an issue. You can respond to issues in the Issue List or you can respond to an individual issue on the Issue Detail Page. To respond to an issue in the issue list, click Comments at the bottom left of the issue box. A text box and existing comments will drop down below. Enter your comment into the text box and click Add Comment to save your comment. 

To respond to an individual issue in the issue detail page, go to the issue detailed view by clicking View Details. Next click the comments bar in dark gray below the description. A text box and existing comments will drop down below. Enter your comment into the text box and click Add Comment to save your comment.


Issue Attributes

Issue Attributes allow for arbitrary data to be added to issues in a structured and controlled way. In other systems issue attributes might be called custom fields.

Issue attributes work just like our existing asset attributes, with a per-project list of available attributes that can then be added to issues as needed. The issue attributes available within a project are configured on a per-project basis. Like with other settings, default issue attributes for new projects can be managed at the account level.
The available issue attributes you define within a project or account have only names. When you add an attribute to an issue it will also require a value.
Issue Attributes: 
  • Can be added at the account level and the project level. 
  • Can be imported and exported at the account or project level. 
  • Can be added directly to issues.
  • Can be included when importing issues.
  • Can be included in PDF reports.
  • Can be batch edited.
  • Are duplicated when duplicating a project.
  • Are included in issue exports.
  • Are available via the API.
When adding an issue attribute to an issue, you can select from a dropdown menu of all issue attributes existing in the project, or you can add a new issue attribute to be used.
You can both search and sort issues by their attributes.

Managing Issue Attributes within Account or Project Settings

Issue attributes are managed within project settings.

  1. Within a project, go to Project -> Settings. At the account level, go to Settings.
  2. Click ‘Issue Attributes’ in the navigation column on the left.

Creating Issue Attributes

  1. Click the ‘Add New’ button in the top-right section. 
  2. Input a name for the attribute and click save or press Enter.

Importing Issue Attributes

  1. Click "Import".
  2. Follow the prompts.

Editing Issue Attributes

Existing issue attributes can be edited to change their name.
  1. Click the ‘Edit’ button to the right of each issue attribute.
  2. Update the name of the attribute and click save or press Enter.

You can also merge or delete issue attributes by selecting them with the checkboxes to the left of each issue attribute and then clicking "Merge" or "Delete" in the action bar that appears above the list.

Deleting Issue Attributes

Deleting issue attributes will prompt for confirmation and inform you if the selected attributes are in use within the project.

  1. Select the issue attributes you want to delete via their checkboxes.
  2. Click the "Delete" button that appears in the action bar above the list.
  3. A dialog will open asking for confirmation. If an issue attribute chosen for deletion is being used on any issues within the project, the confirmation dialog will provide that information.
  4. Click "Delete". The attributes will be deleted and the list will be updated.

Merging Issue Attributes

Merging issue attributes merges the selected attributes into a single attribute.
  1. After selecting the desired issue attributes via their checkboxes, click the ‘Merge’ button above the list. 
  2. A dialog should appear with a dropdown list of the selected issue attributes. 
  3. If the issue attributes being merged are in use on any issues in the project the confirmation dialog will include that information.
  4. After choosing which issue attribute to merge into, click "Merge". The other issue attributes will disappear from the list and be merged into the chosen issue attribute.

Using Issue Attributes

Once your project has issue attributes defined, you can add them to individual issues. You can add attributes when you create new issues, and you can manage attributes on existing issues.

Setting Issue Attributes When Creating an Issue

When you create an issue you have the option to add issue attributes.

  1. Click "Add Issue Attribute".
  2. Select an attribute from the dropdown. If you have sufficient permissions you can create a new attribute by clicking the "+" button.
  3. Enter a value for the selected attribute.

Issue attributes can also be set as part of an issue preset.

Adding Issue Attributes to an Existing Issue

An ‘Attribute’ subsection has been added to the issue detail view. Within the issue detail view a user with permissions can add any available issues attributes to the issue. If the user has sufficient permissions, they can also create a new issue attribute directly within the "Add Issue Attribute" dialog (just as if they navigated to project settings and created it there).

  1. On the detail page of an issue open the ‘Attributes’ subsection and click the ‘Add’ button. 
  2. A dialog will appear with a dropdown list of available issue attributes as well as a field to input a value. If you have sufficient permissions, a ‘+’ button to create new issue attributes will also be available.
  3. After selecting an issue attribute and adding a value to it, click ‘Add’. It will now appear under the ‘Attributes’ subsection.

Existing issue attributes have "Delete" and "Edit" buttons on the right. The "Delete" button will remove the issue attribute from the issue, and the "Edit" button allows you to change the attribute's value.

Including Attributes When Importing Issues

You can include attribute values when importing issues.

Viewing Issue Attributes

Issue attributes can be viewed on the detail of an issue and within the issue list. They are included in issue exports and are an option that can be enabled when generating issue PDFs.

Viewing Issue Attributes on the Issue List

Click the "Attributes" tab on an issue in the list to see that issue's attributes.

Exporting Issue Attributes

Issue attributes are automatically included in issue exports at the project level. When running exports of issues at the account level, the "Attributes" option must be checked.

Including Issue Attributes in PDFs

To include issue attributes in PDF reports the "Attributes" PDF option must be checked. That option can be toggled by clicking the gear icon next to the "PDF" button and then checking or unchecking the "Attributes" option.


Uploading Images or Files to an Issue

There are two methods for uploading images or files to an issue. You can drag images from your computer or choose them from a file select box. To use the document drag-and-drop feature, select a file on your computer. Next, drag the file over the desired issue. The issue can be in compact list view or detailed view. Release the file, and a file upload box will appear. CxAlloy will generate automatic thumbnails of pictures to be used in prints. 

To use the traditional file upload method, click the Documents section in the issue record to expand it. Click inside the dashed document window to see the file select window. Select the file from your computer and click Open.


Sorting Issue

To sort issues, select from the list. You can sort by Date Identified, Reference Number, Status, Priority, Discipline, Location, Asset and Date Due. Clicking again will reverse the sorting order.

NOTE You can combine sorting methods by holding the Shift key.



In order for you to be more productive, you can filter and search for issues. When you click on the Issues tab, all of the issues are listed on the right, and the Filter and Search boxes are located to the left. You can filter by Status, Priority, Discipline, Assigned To, Location, Asset, and Date Identified. Simply select which filters you want to use, and CxAlloy TQ allows you to filter the issues, getting you to the issue faster. To search for issues, enter your query in the search bar and click Search.


Printing Issues

To print multiple issues click PDF located at the top of the issues list. The PDF will contain only the issues currently in your list. In addition, any sorting options you have selected will be reflected in your file.

You can print single issues by clicking PDF on the issue detail view.


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