COBie Overview

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COBie Overview

The Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie) is a data standard for the exchange of building information. The standard was developed by the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

COBie is part of the BIM workflow. The COBie standard is approved as part of the National BIM Standard, United States (NBIMS-US).

You can learn more about COBie at  the Whole Building Design Guide website.


Importing COBie Data

Navigate to COBie Import — From the menu, select Project → COBie Import/Export → COBie Import.
Select your file — Click “Choose File” to select your COBie file.
Click Import — Import your file. This may take up to 20 minutes. Please do not navigate away from the page or close your browser during the import.
NOTE CxAlloy TQ will only import COBie files that are properly formatted. If the COBie file was exported by another software product that supports the standard it should already be formatted correctly. If it is not formatted correctly, you will be informed of the failures in format when you attempt to import the file.


Exporting COBie Data

Navigate to COBie Export — From the menu, select Project → COBie Import/Export → COBie Export.
Click Export — Export your data. This may take a few minutes, depending on the size of your project. You are welcome to leave or close the page; the exported file will be emailed to you when it completes.
NOTE Your project data will be checked for conformance to the COBie standard. If your project data fails the check, you will be notified and advised on the necessary changes to bring it into conformance. If your project data passes the check, a download of the COBie file will start.
WARNING You may need to modify the data in your project in order to export a properly formatted COBie file. For example, COBie requires that each piece of equipment is associated with an equipment type, whereas CxAlloy TQ does not.


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