Account Billing & Subscription

In this article

Accessible only by the owner of the account, the billing section provides information on credit card payments and the overall account status. In this section, an account owner may make changes to a billing plan via upgrades or downgrades or by enabling or disabling premium features.

There are two account types, subscription and enterprise. The billing section is slightly different for each. All other administrative functions and settings are the same regardless of the account type.


Subscription accounts are automatically billed on the first of every calendar month based on their number of active projects and their current plan. Subscription plans have a set base price for a given number of projects, and an additional project price for each active project above the base number.

NOTE There is no limit to the number of active projects that a subscription account can have, but every active project above the base amount will trigger the additional project fee.
NOTE Subscription accounts with NO ACTIVE PROJECTS are skipped during the automated billing check on the first of each month.


Subscription accounts can be activated from bottom of the plan breakdown or from the Subscribe button in the sidebar on the right.

When activating a subscription, a modal will appear for the owner to enter their credit card information.

Plan Breakdown

The Billing page will show an itemized summary of the account's monthly expenses. Check the price and approve by clicking the orange subscribe button.

Plan Sidebar

The owner of the account is automatically sent a copy of all billing emails, but additional recipients can be added from the sidebar on the right. The billing notes will also appear in any receipts.


Reactivation and Deactivation

Subscription accounts are charged on the 1st of each calendar month, but they can be deactivated or reactivated at any time by unsubscribing or resubscribing respectively. Charges are always prorated. Contact in order to deactivate an enterprise account.


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