Account Pages
In This Article
In the context of this repository, the account refers to the company account, or account holder (not the user), and the account pages are only accessible by account admins from the home page or project list dropdown. The account navbar includes the Dashboard, People, Projects, Test/Checklist Templates, Export, and Settings tabs.
Displays recent activity that has occurred across the account as well as a general account summary, including the total number of projects, people, issues, tests, and checklists within the account.
Accessible only by the owner of the account, the billing section provides information on credit card payments and the overall account status, including the current number of paid and available project slots.
The directory of all people and companies in the account; entries added at the project level are automatically added to the account.
A list of all of the account's projects.
Test/Checklist Templates
A repository of reusable checklist and test forms, accessible to all projects in the account.
A dedicated export page with more robust options for exporting data across projects.
Account settings are used as the defaults when creating new projects; changes to the account settings will only affect newly created projects but not existing projects.