Project People

In this article

The project's People section is a directory of all people, roles, and companies in the project; if a new entry is created at the project level, it is automatically added to the people list at the account level. There is no limit the number of accounts or projects to which a user can be added.

The page consists of a header at the top, the sidebar list on the left, and the detail view on the right.

  • Header - this part of the page includes buttons for adding new people, roles or companies, and for generating exports or PDFs the list.

  • Sidebar - shows the list of currently filtered results, with a Select/Deselect All toggle, a dropdown of applicable filters, and a searchbar; click the checkbox to the left of a list entry to select/deselect it, and click the entry itself to pull up its detail view.

  • Detail - shows the detail lookup of the currently selected entry. For people, this includes their contact information, and subsections for permissions, activity, and any users they've invited to the project.



A user's permissions can be specified on invitation, or edited later on in the Permissions subsection of a user's detail lookup. The rows to the left of the table refer to the project sections, with the columns along the top referring to the specific permissions available to each section.

  • View - required to view a particular section; prerequisite for other permissions and also extends to daily digest activity.
  • Export - required to generate spreadsheet exports.
  • Respond - used for status changes, issue and comment creation, and filling out lines in checklists/tests.
  • Assign - required to change an item's assignment.
  • Create - required to create new items.
  • Manage - grants full edit and delete access for the section.
NOTE If a user lacks sufficient permissions, some elements may not appear on the page.



The "Invited" label will be displayed beside a user’s name until the invitation is accepted.

Resending an Invitation

If a user cannot find their email invitation, click the Resend Invitation button to the top right of the user's project lookup.

NOTE If a user fails to receive an email after resending the email, contact

Editing User Details

Account admins can edit a user's company name, phone number, or admin status from the account's People list. Admins can access and manage any project within the company account, and can view and edit all sections of the account with the exception of billing; only the account owner can access the billing section.

NOTE An administrator can only change another person's name while their invitation is pending. Once a user has accepted the invite, only that individual can change their name and email.


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