Checklists Page

In this article

List Overview

The checklists log is accessible via the Checklists dropdown in the project navbar, consisting of a header, a filter sidebar, and a filtered list.

List Header

The list header summarizes the filtered results and includes add new, export, email, PDF, and sort buttons.

  • Export - generates a spreadsheet summary of the filtered results; does not include lines.
  • Email - forward a link to the current page via email.
  • PDF - generate a PDF report of the filtered results; press the gear icon to modify PDF settings.
  • Sort - dropdown of available sorts; click an applied sort to reverse its order, and hold shift to combine two sorts.
  • Add New - opens the batch create interface for checklists. Batch creation is a three step process:

    • Select Assets - select any number of assets to create checklists for; selecting nothing will create a single checklist with no asset.
    • Select Templates - select any number of templates to apply to the selected assets; selecting nothing will create a blank checklist for each asset, or a single blank checklist with no asset if both steps are skipped.
    • Select Options - set the type, assignment, and name of the checklists for each template selected.


Filter Sidebar

The sidebar on the left includes a searchbar and filters for checklist status, type, discipline, equipment status, assignment, location, asset, and area served.


Item List

Contains select all, deselect all, paging options, and the filtered list of items. Click the checkbox to the left of an item to select it for batch actions; click the name of the checklist to to open its detail page.


Detail Overview

The detail page includes a header and expandable subsections for lines, issues, files, and history.


Detail Header

includes the number, name, status, line and issue counts on the left; status, assignment, delete, edit, watch, export, email and pdf buttons are on the right; the rest of the checklist's information is displayed below, including the related asset tree, source template, and pull change eligibility



The body of the checklist, composed of lines; functionality and appearance of lines varies by type (see Lines). Lines requiring a response can have a note, issues, or files attached directly to the line using the respective icons on the right.

Manually editing lines directly in the checklist requires explicitly entering edit mode via the Edit Lines button, and will disqualify it from future push changes. Consider modifying the template instead and using push changes if possible (see Project Templates). 



A list of all issues created from the item, including those made from lines; supports sorting and has buttons to add an issue or import issues via spreadsheet.



A list of all files uploaded to the item, including those uploaded directly to lines.



A list of all activity for this item; hyperlinks to other items in the project if the user has sufficient permissions.


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