Meeting Subsections

In this article

Meeting Subsections

The Overview component is the first thing you see after you create a new meeting. As you create meetings, update components, and add meeting items, the overview will be populated. The content area of the overview shows an outline of the agenda, minutes, recipients, and attendees. To view the details of a meeting component, just click the View link to the right of an overview box. From the overview menu, you will be able to perform actions on meetings.

NOTE The agenda and minutes outlines are based on the text you have formatted as a heading.

Available Actions

  • Delete — Delete the entire meeting. Clicking this will open a window asking you to confirm the deletion. This action cannot be undone.
  • Publish and Unpublish — Meetings are created in the draft state. As a draft, the meeting is only accessible by the creator and participants added as organizers/collaborators. Issues and tasks will not show in the issue or task logs, PDFs, or reports until the meeting is published. Unpublishing a meeting will remove the meeting items from their respective lists until the meeting is published again.
  • Edit — Edit the details of the meeting that you filled in when you created the meeting. This includes the meeting name, date, and time. The phase of a meeting is not editable once a meeting has been created.
  • Email — Send a link to the meeting via email. You can also include a calendar event as an attachment by sending an Email from the Distribution tab.
  • PDF — Generate a comprehensive PDF report of the meeting. The gear icon to the right of the PDF button provides you with options for the sections or details you would like to include in the PDF.



The Agenda component can be used to show topics to be addressed in a meeting. From the agenda menu, you can copy a meeting and save your changes.

Adding Content to an Agenda

To add content to your agenda, click in the content area and start typing. Changes you make are saved approximately every 100 characters, anytime you add a reference, or anytime you click the Save button.

  • Text — Start typing to add text. The Plus (+) icon disappears when you begin typing.
  • Formatting — The formatting options include bold, italics, underline, heading, bulleted list, numbered list, and increase and decrease indentations. To format text, highlight the text you would like to format and select from the available options.
  • Embedded Items — Add issues, tasks, and comments to the agenda by clicking on the Plus (+) icon that appears when you click on a new line.
  • Save — Your meeting is automatically saved approximately every 100 characters. Click the blue Save button in the upper right corner to manually initiate a save.

To learn more about creating content and embedded items, see Content in Meetings.

Copying to an Agenda

To copy an agenda or minutes from a previous meeting into the current active agenda, click the Copy button in the agenda menu and select the existing agenda or minutes to use.

Click the Copy button in the upper right of the meeting.
Select the source meeting from the window.
Select the part of the selected meeting you would like to copy.
NOTE Copying an existing agenda or minutes replaces any data in the current meeting component with the copied data.



The Minutes component can be used to record topics addressed, actions taken, and items assigned during a meeting. From the minutes menu, you can copy a meeting and save your changes.

To add to meeting minutes, just click Minutes in the left sidebar and then start typing in the content area to the right. You can add issues, tasks, and comments to the agenda by clicking on the Plus (+) icon that appears when you click a new line. If you do not want to add an issue or task, start typing and the Plus (+) symbol will disappear.

To format your text, highlight the text you would like to format and select from the available options. The formatting options include bold, italics, underline, heading, bulleted list, numbered list, and increase and decrease indentations.

When you are done, you can click the blue Save button in the upper right corner although your changes are also saved about every 100 characters.

To copy an agenda or minutes from a previous meeting into the current active minutes, click the Copy button in the minutes menu and select the existing agenda or minutes to use.



The Distribution component contains a list of attendees and contacts intended to receive meeting updates. The distribution list is also used for tracking attendance.

To add a new person to the distribution list, click the Add button in the distribution menu.

Adding a New Person

Select New to add someone who is not a current user on the project. Adding a person this way will add the person as a contact. You can invite them to the project later by granting them permissions from the People section.

Adding an Existing User

If the person is already on the project, select From Directory when adding a person, enter a name in the search bar, and select the user from the list below.

Removing A Person

To remove someone from the distribution list, click on the box to the left of the person’s record. At the top of the distribution area, a grey menu will appear. Click Delete to remove them from the distribution list.

Use the search bar to find a person by name.

When you perform a search, a Clear button will appear by the search bar. Click Clear to remove the name and restore the full distribution list.


You can track attendance within the Distribution component of a meeting. At the right side of the distribution list, is a column for attendance. Click Check In to mark that a participant attended a meeting. Click Attended to remove this.



Access the Issues component of the meeting from the left sidebar menu. The Issues component displays all issues created in the current meeting, but not those referenced in the agenda or minutes that originate elsewhere in the project.



The Tasks component can be accessed from the left sidebar menu by clicking Tasks. The Tasks component lists all tasks created in the meeting, but not those originating elsewhere and only referenced in the meeting.



You can add collaborators to meetings in order to grant them access before a meeting is published. Collaborators can access a meeting and its components even while it is a draft.

To add a collaborator, click Add and select the people, companies, or roles you would like to include, then click Share. The creator of the meeting is shown as the owner of the meeting and cannot be removed from the list of collaborators.


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