Meeting Administration

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Meeting Administration

Go to a meeting by clicking it in the list of meetings to the left. The actions menu is located at the upper right corner of the meeting view. Using these menu buttons you can delete, publish or unpublish, edit, and generate a PDF report of a meeting.


Publishing a Meeting Draft

When you create a meeting, it is created as a draft. This means that any content you add is only accessible to you and any people, companies, or roles you add as collaborators. To make a meeting viewable to anyone with access to the Meetings section, you can publish your meeting.

When you publish a meeting, the meeting becomes visible to other users, and its issues and tasks will appear in the issues or task logs. If you unpublish a meeting, the meeting returns to the draft state, and its issues and tasks will no longer be visible in their respective logs.

Individual components of a meeting cannot be published; to share an agenda, minutes, or issues from a meeting, you must publish the entire meeting. To publish a meeting, select the Overview from the left sidebar menu, then click the Publish button in the meeting overview actions menu.

Once published, the meeting components (Agenda, Minutes, etc.) and the referenced items (issues and tasks) in the meeting are also published and accessible by others. These issues and tasks may be included in emails and reports.

NOTE Issues and tasks created in meetings will be available as part of the project and included in the issues log and tasks list once the meeting is published.


E-mailing a Meeting

To email a link to a meeting, click the Email button and fill in the form. You can enter a message and select recipients from the dropdown list. Click the checkbox at the bottom left of the window to include a calendar event as an attachment in your email. When you are done, click Send.


Meeting Reports

You can create a PDF report of an entire meeting, or specific components of the meeting. You may include any combination of the following components: Agenda, Minutes, Distribution, Attendance (derived from Distribution), Issues, Tasks, and History.

The gear icon located next to the PDF button allows you to choose the preferences for a PDF report of the meeting. You can choose whether the PDF should use the list view or detailed view of included records, and you can select which components of the meeting you want included.


Deleting a Meeting

To delete a meeting, select the meeting you want to delete from the meetings list. In the meeting overview actions menu, click Delete. Confirm the action in the window that appears.


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