Milestones Presets

In this article

Milestone presets are available for use in any of the account's projects and are managed on the account's Milestone Presets page. The Milestone Presets page has a header at the top, a list sidebar on the left, and a detail view on the right.

Header - includes a button for creating a new milestone collection preset; for more information on milestone collections, see Milestones Page.

List - select/deselect all buttons are located to the top left next to the searchbar, with the filtered results listed below. Clicking the name of a preset opens it in the detail view to the right; clicking the checkbox to the left selects the item for batch actions. The CxAlloy Library button is a set of publicly available templates that can be copied to create new presets or milestone collections.

  • Preset actions - clicking the ellipse to the right of a preset reveals the trash can icon and action menu.

Detail - the preset detail view includes the preset name, fields for its section, description, filters, and color, and a subsection for milestone groups and rules.

  • Milestones - an expandable list of the milestone groups included in the currently selected preset. Includes a button for creating new milestone groups, and an action menu to edit or delete existing milestone groups. For more information on milestone groups, see Milestones Page.


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