
The Dashboard's Efficiency subsection contains three key metrics: average labor hours per work order, average days to close a work order, and average days to close a work request.

These three metrics are calculated from the work orders and work requests that have been closed in the past 30 days.

Under the average labor hours per work order key metric you'll find two charts: a breakdown of the average labor hours per work order and a breakdown of the average difference between estimated and actual labor hours per work order. You can customize the breakdown for each of these charts by using the dropdown at the top right of each chart. By clicking on areas of each chart (such as a column) you can load the related work orders in the area below.

Under the average days to close a work order key metric you'll find two charts: a breakdown of average days to close a work order and a breakdown of the days to close a work order. You can customize the breakdown for each of these charts by using the dropdown at the top right of each chart. By clicking on areas of each chart (such as a column) you can load the related work orders in the area below.

Under the average days to close a work request key metric you'll find two charts: a breakdown of average days to close a work request and a breakdown of days to close a work request. You can customize the breakdown for each of these charts by using the dropdown at the top right of each chart. By clicking on areas of each chart (such as a column) you can load the related work requests in the area below.

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