Item Basics

In this article

Adding a New Item

To add a new item in any category, navigate to that section's list view and click the  Add New button in the top right of the blue section header.

This will open a form to fill out information for the new entry. Different categories have different entry forms specific to their category. Once all the information is entered, click Save.

NOTE Mandatory fields will appear with a highlighted, yellow background. This information can be edited later on, but an appropriate value must be entered in any such fields to create the new item.


Editing an Item

To edit the information of an item, select and click a specific item (issue, checklist, asset, etc.) to load its detail view. Find and click the  Edit button, which is usually located across from the item's name.

Click Save after modifying the information. 

NOTE When editing an item from its detail view, there are usually more options than editing from a list of items. For more information, see List functions.


Deleting an Item

To delete an item, select and click a specific item (issue, checklist, asset, etc.) to load its detail view.

Find and click Delete, which is usually located across from the item's name.

When clicked, the user will be prompted to confirm the delete. Click the  Delete button to proceed with the deletion.

WARNING Should you accidentally delete an item, an Undo button will temporarily appear at the top of your browser. If an accidental deletion is not undone during this window, contact to restore the data.


Watching Items

All items have the ability to be watched, which is a way to tag items of interest. These may include equipment, issues, checklists, tests, etc. To add an item to the watched list, click the Watch button next to the item. The item will then appear under the list of Watched Items on the Home Page.

To remove an item from the watched list, click Unwatch.


Item Permissions

CxAlloy provides multiple layers of permissions and controls to keep all project data secure, yet visible to the appropriate team members. Accounts can be configured to allow or deny access at the major section level or specific item level. This is managed through a combination of user permissions and item permissions.

User permissions are configured in the People section. This gives users edit, view, or management level access to major sections within CxAlloy. To learn about user permissions, see Permissions.

Item permissions are configured under the Collaborators subsection on an item's detail view. This allows users to be invited or added to the access list for additional privileges for specific items.

To grant a user permissions for an individual item, click Add in its Collaborators section. Choose a person, company, or role, then select the desired level of access; multiple entries can be added this way. Check the option at the bottom left to notify the relevant parties, and click Share to save the new collaborators.

Item permissions are helpful when collaborating on draft reports or completing reviews as a team, or when attempting to restrict access to a particular subset of items within a given section.


Item History

Changes in statuses and user assignments can be found in the History subsection of an item's detail view. The user who implemented the change, the timestamp, and the details of the change itself will be listed. These records may also be found in the Activity section, under the Project tab.


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